Ilet Lavigne

Îlet Lavigne is an uninhabited islet located in the bay of François. It is also called "Gros Îlet" because of its size. It is triangular in shape. It rises to 50 meters above sea level and its total area is about 14 hectares.

It is an islet protected like the islets Frégate, Long, Oscar and Thierry by an order of protection of biotope since 2003. This measure was taken in order to protect the biological balance of the environments and the conservation of the spaces necessary for the feeding, the reproduction and the survival of the protected plant and animal species. Thus, it was established a zone of protection of biotopes on the entire islet since April 2003.

Since July 28, 2007, the Îlet Lavigne is registered as a "registered site" by ministerial order.

It results from an explosive submarine volcanic eruption, then from a phase of aerial actions of strombolian type characterized by lava and volcanic rocks resembling shards of glass.

It is surrounded by moderately steep cliffs, pebbled coves and by a conquering mangrove range in the process of formation. The islet shelters a degraded vegetation (herbaceous vegetation, composed of shrubby and arboreal islands).

Il abrite une avifaune riche, composée en particulier de la tourterelle à queue carrée (Zenaida aurita), le colibri huppé (Orthorhyncus cristatus), la paruline jaune (Dendroica petechia), l'élenie siffleuse (Elaenia martinica), le Sporophile rougegorge (Loxigilla noctis).

Au niveau des espèces végétales, on peut noter la présence du Murier pays (Maclura tinctoria) espèce extrêmement rare de la flore martiniquaise.

It shelters a rich avifauna, composed in particular of the zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita), the Antillean crested hummingbird (Orthorhyncus cristatus), the American yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the Caribbean elaenia (Elaenia martinica), the Lesser Antillean bullfinch (Loxigilla noctis).

On Îlet Lavigne these species of birds find favorable conditions for their rest, their feeding and their reproduction. We also note the presence of wild goats responsible in part for the poor vegetation in some places on the island.

At the level of the plant species, we can note the presence of the Fustic tree (Maclura tinctoria), an extremely rare species of the Martinique flora.

There are a few houses in the area. They are essentially second homes or vacation accommodations.

It is possible to visit it within the framework of excursions of the islets of François and even to reside there in a temporary way. It is frequented essentially during the various periods of vacations.