
PomegranatesThe pomegranate (Punica granatum) is native to Central Asia and Europe. Both parts of the world claim the presence of pomegranate from the prehistoric period. It was the Spanish settlers who took him to the Caribbean and Latin America. The pomegranate symbolizes vitality and fertility.


Pomegranate treeThere are a multitude of varieties. The majority is edible. The pomegranate grown for its flowers and inedible fruit is used for ornamental purposes. The pomegranate has a thick inedible skin. The interior of the fruit is composed of several districts, separated by species inedible membranes. The fruit pulp is often consumed in the state.

The pomegranate is a small monoecious self-fertile tree with bushy Mediterranean regions that can reach 6 meters high. It can live up to 200 years but is the most productive fruit in its first 20 years of fruiting.

Its bark is gray-beige and tends to crack and flake with age.

Its leaves usually deciduous, although some varieties are evergreen in some climates, are opposite and measure 3 to 7 cm long and 1 to 2 cm wide.

Its bright red flowers are 3 cm in diameter. They appear in three waves from May to August.

Health benefits

PomegranatesThe pomegranate has been recognized as having many therapeutic and medicinal properties. Indeed, it is known to be a remedy against the tapeworm (the parasite responsible for stomach pain or weight loss, etc ...), the skin of the fruit and root bark paralyze the worms then is eliminated as a result of a laxative.

The leaves of the pomegranate tree can be boiled and infused, we get an effective solution against sore throat and persistent cough. Bark decoctions of pomegranate are used for poor digestion, diarrhea and colic. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of pomegranate juice reduces the formation of atherosclerotic plaque (cholesterol deposits in the arteries). There was also a decrease in blood pressure in patients with hypertension thanks to a daily intake of pomegranate juice.

Extracts of fermented juice and pomegranate skin could reduce the growth of cancer cells. This inhibitory action would be valid for breast, prostate and colon cancers.

The pomegranate has a strong antioxidant power (antioxidants are substances able to fight against the free radicals in our body. Free radicals can cause cancer, cell aging, and cardiovascular disease) upper to red wine or tea green.


PomegranateThe pomegranate is eaten raw, in salads, juice, jam or jelly. However, jam and jelly products are imported into Martinique. They are not manufactured locally.
