Achiote or Annatto (Bixa orellana) is a species of tree or shrub of tropical America. It is called roucou in French countries, urucum Brazil, achiote in Mexico and some countries in South America or onoto or red lipstick tree in Venezuela. It takes its name from the Tupi language, a Native American who lived in Brazil and called Urucu.
Annatto is native to northern Brazil in the Amazon forest and would arrive in Martinique with the migration of Amerindians (Arawak or Carib Indian) on an unknown date.
There is only one variety of achiote. The annatto tree is a shrub of 2 to 4 meters high. Its leaves are cordiform (heart-shaped), sharp and jagged. The red fruit comes in capsule form and is not edible. It is harvested and dried to extract the wax entourne the very seeds rich in carotenoids.
Annatto trees can live about 50 years and can be harvested fruit for 30 years. We must wait 2 years before seeing the tree bear fruit. The clusters are mature until 3 months after flowering. For the harvest, we have to wait for 2 or 3 capsules to be opened
Health benefits
It was recognized in achiote anti-genotoxic properties, anti-mutagenic and protective against oxidative stress. It is an antioxidant.
It presents however some toxicity. Annatto is effective as a hemostatic of minor injuries. The substance that envelops the week is often used as a refresh and against fever.
The crushed seed is known aphrodisiac. It is also known as a tonic for the gastrointestinal tract and expectorant.
The leaf decoction is used to soothe inflamed throats and mild sore throats. The foil applied on the forehead relieves headaches. It is found in the root of a diuretic and digestive principle.
Traditionally, Native Americans used it as pigment for their body paint or as a flavoring but also to protect themselves from heat and sea salt.
Today, annatto is used more in cooking to give color to dishes with sauce including the court-bouillon (a traditional sauce of Martinique prepared with fish). It is also used in the design of cosmetics, to protect against insect bites and sun.